The Moronist

Just another day at the moroffice.


Palm Beach Illustrated

Hello Human beings, I think it’s time to tell you about a magazine I recently had the (sarcastic) pleasure to peruse, it’s called Palm Beach Illustrated (just like sports illustrated but replace Sports with Palm Beach) It, like many other frou-frou magazines, is about 90% ads, but I have to say when you get this niche-y, the ads get even more insular and hilarious. This is the ad I would imagine them having in the next few months,


“Only read if you’re extremely wealthy or have really good credit
Imagine if you will a world where crystal encrusted toilets are common. Imagine if you will, that this toilet is especially difficult to keep up. Even better for you cause you can feel great knowing that you pay someone pennies to clean said toilet and to fix the hangy thing on it occasionally. Buy this toilet from us. We won’t tell you the price unless you call us up and give us an idea of how much money you have (or think you have). Thanks for reading or having this advertisement read to you. (fake site).”

And on a related, funnier cause it’s true note, check out this news on John Thain, former head of Merrill Lynch who spent $35,000 on a commode. Linky Link..

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